Resilience is…
“The ability to develop well socially, mentally or physically despite exposure to stress factors commonly causing mental problems.”
Why do Some Make it Despite the Odds?
Are you fascinated with such quesions? How can we bottle this strength? Wait… Is that even possible?
Having worked in psychiatry for over a decade, I have met many resilient children and adults. It has become apparent to me that most things that protect us from developing problems can be done by anyone, even without access to many resources.
This blog is dedicated to simplify Resilience, what it means and how it is useful in many different aspects. Most importantly, it is about what we can do to become resilient and help others become resilient.
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Resilience Posts
What is Resilience? 3 Definitions You Need to Know
What is Resilience? Are you confused by this topic? Learn 3 resilience definitions to help you understand this concept.
Why do We Need Stress to Become Resilient?
Stress and resilience are related however stress is always portrayed in a negative way. What if it is a necessary part of life? What if we need it to achieve, accomplish and be fulfilled? Learning to deal with stress rather than avoiding it, is an important aspect of building resilience. Imagine if we didn’t have…
About this blog
This blog is based on the values of Resilience, Compassion, Action through learning and Empowering others. I hope these values are evident through your reading of the various posts. If you share these values and mission and would like to contribute then please use the contact link in the header.
Join me on the journey to learn more about resilience through research, clinical experience, stories of people and personal reflections.